Under 18 Accommodation System

While your young person is living on campus, our Residential Support team perform regular checks to ensure their wellbeing and safety. If you intend to take your young person off-campus overnight, it is important that you let us know by completing the form below. This prevents your young person appearing on the Evening Registration Report and removes the need for our Residential Support team to contact you and your young person after 10:30pm.

If you have any questions, please contact Student Services on 01452 702109 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday) or the Residential Support team on 07768 091041 (outside of Student Services hours). If your enquiry is not urgent, you can also contact residentialsupport@hartpury.ac.uk.

Note: Please only use this tool to sign a student out of Accommodation. If your child is unable to attend timetabled lessons, please ensure they contact their tutor directly.

Create an Absence Booking

This can be found on most correspondance you'll have received from us, and on the student's ID card. e.g. HYC50012345
Your passkey will originally have been sent to you by e-mail. You can also change your passkey to something more memorable. Remember: if you have more than one child in accommodation, you will have a separate passkey for each child.
We use this information as part of our security measures in order to help ensure this is a valid request.

Absence Details


  • I am the parent/carer
  • I am signing my child out of accommodation into the care of their parent/carer or other adult, who is not another student.
  • If I sign my child out of accommodation, they are not to return to campus until 8am.
  • I understand that my child should not be on campus during the sign out period. If, due to unforeseen circumstances, I need to bring my child back to campus early, or cancel a booked period of absence, I will contact the Residential Support Team on 07768 091041. If my child is found on campus during the sign out period, I will be contacted by the Residential Support or Safeguarding Team and asked to collect my child from campus immediately.
  • If my child is not going to return before the sign-out ends, I will extend this to avoid my child appearing on the registration reports.